We’re often asked why we’re passionate about helping teens form safe driving habits.
I’m Mike, RideBeside’s inventor and founder. As a parent I’ve always been aware of the startling statistics about teen driving, such as cars being the #1 killer of teens in America. Like most of us, I always thought these statistics were for others and didn’t apply to me.
I was mistaken. I received a call one morning from a very dear friend. On the other end of the phone was a heartbroken parent. His daughter took a curve too fast the evening before and collided with a light pole. She was 16 years old. Gone. There will forever be a hole in their lives because of their tragic loss.
This happens all too frequently: over 2,800 teens a year die in automobiles – about 8 a day. An additional 270,000 a year are injured – about 750 a day. Senseless. I always thought it would be someone else’s misfortune, not a close friend. Please don’t think you’re immune. Do something – anything – to help your teen form safe driving habits in their early years. Driver’s Ed is a great start but falls short of preparing your teen for the road.
I chose to take this tragedy and turn it into something positive. So off I went on a journey to prevent such unnecessary loss of life for other teens. Hence RideBeside.
Our purpose is simple and direct:
To help your teen form safe driving habits, thereby reducing their risk of becoming a teen driver statistic.
RideBeside exists to create products that provide dramatically improved and effective methods for advancing the safety of teen drivers. Period. We don’t do anything else. We’re tireless in our continued research and innovation toward this end.
Our reward for this purpose and passion is the knowledge that we are making a difference and saving lives.